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About company - interview with the director

Interview with the director of "Sibirskoe moloko" - Mezin Evgeny Vladimirovich

The farm itself was formed in 1967 and it was called in a past life - "State Farm named after Kirov." At that time, it was conducting a fairly successful economic activity.

And our enterprise as "Siberian milk" was organized already in 2014. Over the years, we have tried to somehow make a difference in an extensive way trying to increase milk yield through improved feeding systems and increased discipline.

Realizing that following this path and not fundamentally changing the approach to production as such, we traveled a lot through the successful farms of the Russian Federation and understood where to move, developed the concept of industrialization and decided to build a new farm for 802 heads with modern technologies.

After we made a decision on the implementation of our investment project, we opted for the Holstein-Friesian breed and are planning to have about 500 heads.

Our main partner "Derevenskoe Molochko" is currently engaged in expansion towards the production of cheeses, and therefore there is a need for suitable raw milk. What damp suitability includes - the special requirements for bacteriological insemination, special requirements for the quality of the fat content and the most important quality for the protein content - all this will allow us to give the new livestock that we plan to start.